Recent improvements to the LEAP curriculum

LEAP now has a Core Curriculum to complete in order to become LEAP certified, along with continuing education requirements.  There will be two tracks of trainings that you will need to choose from, whether you run a mechanized operation or are non-mechanized.  The main difference is whether you are using a chainsaw to fell the trees, or sitting in the machine that will do this for you.

For a logger who is already LEAP certified and has taken Professionalism in Forestry and Managing Forest Ecosystems (formerly called the Primary Curriculum), you will likely just need the safety workshops designed for whichever track your timber harvesting operation is on (mechanized or non-mechanized).  A logger who is new to LEAP will need to join, and to complete all the curriculum requirements.

Whether you are already a LEAP member, or are new to LEAP, everyone will have two years to meet these new requirements for Certification.

LEAP/SFI Certification Requirements 

For Mechanized Logging Operators 

LEAP Certification Requirements – Attain LEAP/SFI Certification: Completing the  following requirements within two years, meets minimum certification requirements for  the VT LEAP Program and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). These are also the  requirements for the employee training requirements for the Vermont Logger Safety and  Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program. (Additional steps are required for full safety  certification with your insurance carrier.)  

Professionalism (1 day – 8 credits) 

Managing and Using Forest Ecosystems (1 day – 8 credits) 

Introduction to Mechanized Logger Safety (1 day – 8 credits) 

Advanced Logger Rescue/First Aid & CPR (1 day – 8 credits)  

Continuing Education Requirements – Continuing education is required to maintain  LEAP/SFI certification. Every two years, except as otherwise noted, and after  completing LEAP Core requirements, the following is required to maintain LEAP/SFI  certification: 

One Safety Workshop per 2 year period (1 day – 8 credits)  

One *LEAP elective per 2 year period (1 day – 8 credits)  

Maintain First Aid/CPR certification (Typically good for 2 years)

*A LEAP participant may substitute other non-LEAP sponsored workshops for the LEAP  elective with pre-approval from the LEAP board of directors. A copy of the agenda shall  be sent to the LEAP Coordinator a minimum of one week prior to the scheduled  workshop 

Already LEAP certified – 

For Loggers who have previously completed the LEAP program, the following  workshops need to be completed to meet the new Curriculum requirements: 

Introduction to Mechanized Logger Safety (1 day – 8 credits) 

Advanced Logger Rescue/First Aid & CPR (1 day – 8 credits)  

Then Continuing Education Requirements will be the same as above. 

*Individual workshop fees are in addition to the one-time $300 registration fee.

LEAP/SFI Certification Requirements 

For Non-Mechanized Logging Operators 

LEAP Certification Requirements – Attain LEAP/SFI Certification: Completing the  following requirements within two years, meets minimum certification requirements for  the VT LEAP Program and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). These are also the  requirements for the employee training requirements for the Vermont Logger Safety and  

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program. (Additional steps are required for full safety  certification with your insurance carrier.)  

Professionalism (1 day – 8 credits) 

Managing and Using Forest Ecosystems (1 day – 8 credits) 

*Game of Logging (Levels 1 and 2 – 16 credits) 

Advanced Logger Rescue/First Aid & CPR (1 day – 8 credits)  

Continuing Education Requirements – Continuing education is required to maintain  LEAP certification. Every two years after completing LEAP certification requirements, except as otherwise noted, the following is required to maintain LEAP certification: 

One Safety Workshop per 2 year period (1 day annually – 8 credits)  

One **LEAP elective per 2 year period (1 day – 8 credits)  

Maintain First Aid/CPR certification (Typically good for 2 years)

*If completed GOL more than five years ago, must take Level 5 GOL (Refresher)    **GOL Levels 3 and 4 will count as Safety or Elective continuing ed.  A LEAP participant may substitute other non-LEAP sponsored workshops for LEAP  electives with pre-approval from the LEAP board of directors. A copy of the agenda shall  be sent to the LEAP Coordinator a minimum of one week prior to the scheduled  workshop.  

Already LEAP certified – 

For Loggers who have previously completed the LEAP program, the following  workshops need to be completed to meet the new Curriculum requirements: 

*Game of Logging (Levels 1 through 4 – 32 credits) 

Advanced Logger Rescue/First Aid & CPR (1 day – 8 credits)  

*If completed GOL more than five years ago, must take Level 5 GOL (Refresher) Then Continuing Education Requirements will be the same as above. 

*Individual workshop fees are in addition to the one-time $300 registration fee.

For loggers interested in joining LEAP who have credits from another Logger Education Organization, please contact the LEAP Coordinator, David Birdsall to see what credits can be transferred.
